Friday, February 15, 2008

One Gunman, Three Guns, Six Dead

Yesterday we heard about another murder suicide at a university. This time in northern Illinois. How does this relate to the sixth commandment.
When we do not accept the first commandment that there is one God and He alone is God then all other commandments become negotiable including "You shall do no murder."
I know there is a whole debate about guns and gun control that has been badly distorted by both sides and I do not wish to enter that debate at this time but just to say that guns are so available that anyone who wishes to obtain one can do so either legally or illegally.
We live in a violent society. Where did sixteen year olds in Colorado learn to kill like those trained in the military? Video games have taught our youth to be killers. Not all video games do this but it is disturbing that there are more and more games that do. I know that kids have always been fascinated with guns and the pretend art of killing but today it is so realistic that some cannot distinquish between make belief and reality.
Without the knowledge of God there is so regard for the sanctiy of life. God said that we are made in His image but when God is ignored then human life is no different than the life of a pesky skunk. If they upset our comfort then lets get rid of them.
Christians take two approaches to the Ten Commandments. Either they think that they are estential for salvation or they ignore them completely. However, you cannot ignore the moral law of God. When we acknowledge that God is sovereign then we have a great respect to human life. Only He has the right to give and take life.

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