Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Turn off your radio, put away your phone

Moses has much to say in Deuteronomy about the importance of teaching our children.  When our son was three years old he could ask over 300 questions a day and the time he asked the most questions was when he was alone with you in the car or at meal times.  That is why it is important to turn off the radio, the music, when you are in the car with a child.  Give them your attention, except for the attention needed for driving, and talk to them, listen to them, hear their questions.
Today I often see a parent walking with a child and the parent is talking on a cell phone.  The most important person is walking beside you not the one you are talking to on the phone.  I know there will be times that you need to take that phone call but that is not as often as people think.
Turn off all cell phones at meal times.  I remember last summer having a family meal in our backyard.  I told everyone that there would be no playing games or using mobile devices during the meal.  The younger people honoured that request but when someone asked one of the older people a question he pulled out his phone and went to the Internet to find the answer.  When we told him he owed money for breaking the rule he was annoyed and blamed it on us for asking him a question.  We wanted his answer not google's.
Moses says, "Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."  Deuteronomy 6:7
Our children hear too many voices that give them an ungodly world view.  Use your time wisely with your children, your grandchildren.  Teach them well. 

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