Monday, February 25, 2013

Being separate

How can God's people be a separate people?  For one thing we are called to be in the world but while we are in the world we are not to be part of the world.  The people of Israel were to be a separate people.  They were going into the land that was polluted by sin but they were called to keep themselves separate.  The only way that they could do this was to totally destroy what was contrary to God.
A friend told me that a mutual friend of ours had become widowed and had set her sights on a widower who was not a believer.  She was convinced that this was the man that God wanted for her so she ended up compromising what she believed and moved in with him without marrying him.  Her rational was that she could speak into his life and lead him to faith in Christ.  His former wife had been a Christian but he had rejected her Christianity.  How could this one think she could lead him to Christ while she lived in disobedience to God's desire for man and woman.
Christians find themselves compromising with the world in the area of sexual sins, money and power.  We are told to come out from them and be separate from them. 

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