Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Neither Right nor Left

In Deuteronomy 5:32 Moses warns the people about straying left or right with regard to their obedience.  It was a concern in Moses' day and it is in our day as well.
We turn to the right when we make the Ten Commandments say more than they intended to say.  We say that our salvation is based upon keeping the commandments even though we are saved by grace.  We are neither saved by the commandments or are kept in a state of salvation by the commandments.   That is only the work of grace.  So then, why the commandments?
We turn to the left when we say that the commandments say less than they do.  We say that the commandment against adultery or lying do not have a place in our society.  Or why should we honour our parents?  Though our salvation does not depend upon our keeping of the commandments they are not to be ignored.  So what do the commandments show us?
First, the commandments show that we need a Saviour.  We cannot keep all the commandments all of the time and as soon as we slip up we are guilty of breaking the law.
Second, the commandments show us what God is like.  When He says that we should not commit adultery He shows us that He is a faithful God. 
Thirdly, the commandments show us that we do not have to lie or steal or covet.  He can keep us from those sins.
When we read the commandments we need to remind ourselves that we are to look straight ahead, through the commandments to see our Saviour.  If we look to the right or to the left we will miss Him.

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