Sunday, February 10, 2013


Today I talked to a friend of mine who truly is a misfit.  Before I tell you about her let me say this about her though, she truly loves the Lord and longs for the day the Lord will take her home.
So why is she a misfit?  She has been thrown out of more churches than I have been a part of.  She became a Christian later in life.  Her husband divorced her, her children disowned her, and she has no church home.  She stands for truth and speaks out against those who attack the truth.  She fights against the bullies in churches who put her down because she is a woman and refuses to be submissive to leadership that she sees as bullies, whether she is right about the bulling or not would be open to question.  She also will stand up for those who are unjustly condemned.  She reminds me of an Old Testament prophet who seemed to make more enemies than friends when she speaks out on issues.  She is not perfect but many of the Old Testament prophets weren't perfect either. 
I find it difficult to talk to her, I mainly have to listen anyway, but I have disciplined myself to let her speak.  I can easily become the bully.  I have done that with people in the past.  I can ignore her but she won't let you.  She needs to be heard.  I can listen and I need to practice patience and listen.
Is there a place in the church for a woman such as this?  Many churches feel that there isn't.  They can accept her if she remains quiet and submissive but she refuses to do that.  She hates bullies and injustice and cannot remain silent when she precieves this is happening.  I know she has been a thorn in the side of many pastors and elder boards but she is God's daughter and one day we will fellowship with her around the throne of God.  I feel that she may be wrong in many areas but I must earn the right to speak into her life.  I cannot speak against her without first earning that right. 
Pastors, elders, she may drive you crazy.  She may take up your time but she needs your love more than your condemnation.  She is God's child.
I must confess that if I can avoid her I do but that is not right either.  I may be the only man that she feels that she can unburden herself too.  God give me patience.

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