Saturday, February 23, 2013

Raising Children in a Post-Modern World

When I put the question to some young fathers they all told me the same thing, "How much time do you have?"
I would like to make two observations.
First, the family unit is important.  In a world that is tearing down all structures it is important for our children to have a structure they can believe in and that is the family.  The family unit can anchor them to the truth of the Bible as well as help them develop a proper world view.  When post-moderns say that all truth is relative and that there is no absolute truth the family can be that important focal point for truth.
Second, we must insulate our children not isolate them.  By insulating them I mean teaching them the Biblical truths and why we believe them.  We know that the world will want to tell them that all paths lead to God and all lifestyles are acceptable but we need to talk to them about the truth of God's Word.

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