Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My Practice

“This has been my practice: I obey your precepts.” (Psalm 119:56)

What is your practice? Is it exercising, running, or walking every day? Do you eat certain foods? Do you practice a musical instrument or a sport? We practice what is important to us. Brother Lawrence practiced the presence of God. He did his household chores as if they were for God. He saw God in everything.

We do not keep the Law of God naturally, we need to know it and practice it. Christ is our example but He is more than our example. He kept the Law perfectly and it is only when we realize that even with all our practice we cannot do that. He did it for us. Does that mean we don’t have to keep on obeying? In Paul’s words, “God forbid.” We do need to practice knowing that Jesus is living out through us.

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