Sunday, August 15, 2010

Do Good

“Do good to your servant according to your word, O LORD.” (Psalm 119:65)

When the Psalmist wrote these words the only Scripture he had was the Law of Moses. Many people today see the Law as being repressive but the Psalmist saw the Law as the goodness of God to His people. The Law was not given to oppress the people but to free them.

Today we have traffic laws that are not to be oppressive but freeing. Without the law we would be like the people in the time of the Judges who did what was right in their own eyes. We lived in Manila for a year and driving in that city was an adventure at best and terrifying the rest of the time. Traffic laws were ignored. Drivers did not stop for red lights or drive in their own lanes. Buses would pass on curves and hills without any regard for what might be coming the other way. Driving in a country that has laws at are obeyed, most of the time, gives you a sense of security. Laws are given for our own good.

When the Law said that we must be truthful then we could have the security that our neighbour would not lie about us in front of the judge. That was the goodness of the Law.

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