Monday, August 2, 2010

In the Night time

“In the night I remember your name, O LORD, and I will keep your law.” (Psalm 110:55)
In the night could mean literally in the nighttime. When we wake up in the nighttime what occupies our thoughts. As someone said one time that instead of counting sheep we should talk to the Shepherd.
However, the night may refer to the night of our soul. When we are facing distress, despair, or discouragement what do our thoughts turn to? We need to remember that it is in these times that our God hears us even when it seems that our prayers go no farther than the ceiling. Look at the Psalms and see the number of Psalms that are songs of lament. Notice that they are not only Scripture but they are in Scripture. However, even more important than this is that we remember Jesus. He went through the turmoil of His soul for us.

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