Friday, April 9, 2010


Our family had friends who had lost a son in infancy. They never got over the loss. Now I have never had to suffer such a loss but I could see in them how it changed their outlook. They never seemed to be happy and their other child seemed to reflect that as well.
I have other friends who lost a daughter by murder when she was a student away from home. Again the bitterness remained and it is reflected in their other children.
Hebrews warns against bitterness. Bitterness robs the one who refuses to forgive of joy in their life. It really is a form of idolatry choosing to hang onto their bitterness rather than release it to God.
Don't let bitterness take root in your life.



I have heard that holding on to bitterness, anger, and resentment is like drinking poison in front of those who have hurt you and saying, "There, I hope that hurts you."

GDAC Bible Studies said...

A good example. Thanks.