Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Faithful and Just

How many of us have read 1 John 1:9 and saw that it said that God was faithful and just to forgive us our sins and thought, "Well that is His job", He forgives sins. We may not say it so glibly but we do think that if we sin then God in His mercy will forgive us.
But did you notice that it didn't say that He was faithful and merciful but rather faithful and just? Why justice instead of mercy? Mercy implies that we will be forgiven because God is "a softy" when it comes to our sin. So we don't take our sin to seriously. However, the word is just. Justice means that the debt has been dealt with. God will forgive our sins because it would be unjust to have two punishments for the same sin. Jesus paid the price. He paid the debt. He now stands as our advocate saying that the debt has been paid.
To me it means that we look at our sins differently. We are not playing fast and loose with God's mercy but we see that the debt for our sins was the cross. There was a debt to be paid. It could not be ignored.

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