Sunday, September 25, 2011

Facebook and the social media

In reading some of the comments about what is happening on facebook it would seem that it is more serious than having pages torn from your Bible. Christians are getting all upset because of the changes that are being made. All I can say about that is "get your perspective right".
So what should be a Christian's attitude to facebook. We have all seen the data. One out of five couples met on facebook; 3 out of 5 gay couples met on facebook and 2 out five divorces are linked to facebook. It sure seems that facebook has an impact in the social realm. Anyone can falsely promote themselves on facebook and as a Christian we know that is wrong. However there is a much more subtle way that Christians fall victim to the world through facebook. It is not that they are blatantly falsely promoting themselves but by the things that they post they are promoting an image, an image that they want. To me this is where the problem lies. We have to be careful that we do not use social media to give people the wrong impression. It is not about style but about communication. Christians watch yourselves. Do your postings promote you or the Lord?

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