Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How many Kingdoms?

The last time I taught Daniel I had charts like the one here. We discussed the kingdoms, was it four, five, or more. Now I see it as two kingdoms. The kingdom of the world or the kingdom of God. Now the kingdom of the world may come as gold, silver, bronze, iron but they are nothing but inorganic material. There is a lot of glitter and bling but that is all. When everything is stripped away it is only a statue. However the kingdom of God is different. It appears as a rock but not an inorganic rock but a living rock that grows until it fills the whole world. It may not appear to have all the glitz of the world's kingdoms but it is alive and will last for ever.

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

As I study Daniel I run in a term more than once, "Oneiromancy" the science or practice of interpreting dreams. The interpretation of dreams in the Babalonian culture seems to linked to the same false religion that was prevelant the egyption culture. Both were very interested in interpreting dreams because they believed they told the future. Looking back at Joseph and Daniel they both were clear to point out that it was God that gave revalations and God who gave the interpretations. The similarities between Daniel and Joseph are remarkable. Joseph too was torn away from his homeland and family, he also was a young man of outstanding character demonstrated by refusing Potiphar's wife. And he too was called for such a time to stand before and to serve a foriegn king for the purposes of God, and also had to ability to interpret dreams. Both men had the character and courage to stand up boldly for God and were rewared by serving in the king's palace. Pharoh's dreams were real and they had a precise meaning. God was preparing his divine plan through his divine steps and the dream was fulfilled exactly as predicted. This is where I wonder why God would have gone through all the trouble of describing the details of this dream, to not have them point to sometime, kingdom or events in the future. I believe there is something to the explination of the future powers before the Rock cut without hands destroys those kingdoms with altimate athority and power. Jeremy Van Kesteren