Sunday, January 9, 2011

Public Education.

Next Sunday we will study Daniel 1. I have often thought about what it would have been like to have seen your young son carried away by the invaders. I am sure that Daniel's parents were concerned about how he would stand in a foreign culture. Obviously Daniel was well trained both by the religious community and by his home. I remember sending our children off to a public school knowing that many things that they would be taught would not be in line with what we believed. However, we taught our children the God's truth and sent them to school trusting that God would keep them. Our children held unto the truth they were taught for which I am so grateful to God. I have seen many who avoided public education because they were afraid of what their children would learn found their children questioning their beliefs and in some cases wondering away from the faith. Remember that a Christian school is no substitute for a Christian home.

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