Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Living by Faith 2

So what does it mean to live by faith? It is not following rules, the Law, the sermon on the mount. It is not doing. Living by faith is living in light of the Gospel. Remember the Gospel is good news and news is about something that has happened not something that is expected of us. The Gospel is first what Jesus Christ has done. But the Gospel is also about a new relationship, we are adopted as sons and daughters into the family of God. So it is more than a doctrine (what has happened) but it is also a relationship. Even more it is a reversal of values. The way up is down, humility instead of pride, weakness instead of power. Everything that this world values is turned upside down.
However, the rules, the Law, the sermon on the mount are important but they are secondary to the Gospel. The Gospel is really an entirely new worldview.

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