Friday, January 4, 2013

Unique Ministry

Moses had a very unique ministry.  He was called to be a deliverer, a law giver, a judge, a teacher, an intercessor and more.  One of the most unique ministries was that of intercessor.  Often we find Moses arguing with God regarding the people.  At one point God calls the people his (referring to Moses) and Moses responds by calling them His (referring to God).  Moses was prepared to stand in the gap for the people even though they complained, rebelled, and more.  The one who wrote the epilogue to Deuteronomy tells us that there has never been a prophet like Moses who the Lord talked to face to face.
What is it that you want to be known for when your life is over?  A great leader, a great teacher, a great politician?  Wouldn't it be wonderful if the one thing everyone said about you was that you were an intercessor.  That you were one who stood in the gap for others.  That was Moses.

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