Friday, January 18, 2013

Time to go

We had a pastor in the city where I once lived to pastored his church for over forty years.  He was the pastor of the church my parents went to when I was born and he was still pastoring when I became a father.  He was a good pastor and he loved his people but there came a time when he needed to step aside and let someone else pastor the church.
The church tried to graciously have him retire.  They hired an associate who was to take his place and they planned for the day when he would pass the baton to the new pastor.  Finally the day came.  The church planned a celebration for their retiring pastor but there was one problem.  He and his wife never came to the celebration but instead showed up next Sunday to take his place in the pulpit.  The result was that the associate had to move on and it was a few year later that finally the pastor did retire and another wonderful pastor took his place.
It is difficult sometimes to let go and let another take your place but you cannot stay forever.  Joshua had been Moses' assistant for many years and he was ready to step into the role of leadership.  He wasn't another Moses.  There would never be another Moses but he was the man to take the people to the next stage. 

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