Tuesday, January 1, 2013


When I was in high school I decided that I wanted to go to university to become a teacher.  However, my family had no money.  The guidance councillor knew that so she suggested that I go into the ROTP program (Royal Officers Training Program).  I didn't want to go but I could see no way out so I filled out the application and soon I was on the train heading to Toronto to undergo the testing.  I failed.  Well, my eyes failed.  I was rejected because my vision was not adequate.  This is the one time I was glad that I had to wear glasses.  I came back to the school and filled out forms for university.  My prospects were limited because I did not have a second language.  Three universities did not require a language but two of them only for the engineering program.  Again, another program I didn't want to go into but...
There was one university that accepted me and also gave me a scholarship to study Mathematics.  I still had very little money but with summer jobs; friends I met in the university town, a brother who was a missionary, I was able to go to university for four years to get the degree I wanted.
Moses had no prospects either but "by chance" he was discovered floating in a basket by the river by a princess and she took him into her home and gave him the best education anyone could possibly get in those days.  While all male children were being thrown away Moses was rescued and prepared for a greater ministry than being the leader of Egypt.
Then came his post graduate education, caring for sheep on the back side of the desert.  Little did he know that this would be of great importance to him as he led the people from slavery to a nation.  God has a plan and it is always best.

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