Monday, January 14, 2013

Last Words

If you had one thing to say before you die what would you say?  What would be your last words?  Francis Chan tells about Stan Gerlach in his book Crazy Love.  Here is the story:

As a pastor, I'm often called upon when life"vanishes a mist." One of the most powerful examples I've seen of this was Stan Gerlach, a successful businessman who was known in the community. Stan was giving a eulogy at a memorial service when he decided to share the gospel. At the end of his message, Stan told the mourners, "You never know when God is going to take your life. At that moment, there's nothing you can do about it. Are you ready?" Then Stan sat down, fell over, and died. His wife and sons tried to resuscitate him, but there was nothing they could do-just as Stan had said a few minutes earlier.

I'll never forget receiving that phone call and heading over to the Gerlach house. Stan's wife, Suzy, was just arriving home. Se hugged me and cried. One of her sons, John, stepped out of the car weeping. He asked me, "Did you hear the story? Did you hear? I'm so proud of him. my dad died doing what he loved doing most. He was telling people about Jesus."

I was asked to share a word with everyone gathered. There were children, grandchildren, neighbors, and friends. I opened my Bible to Matthew 10:32-33 "Whoever acknowledge him before my Father in heaven."

I asked everyone to imagine what it must have felt like for Stan. One moment, he was at a memorial service saying to a crowd, "This is who confessing Jesus; a second later. Jesus was confessing him!

It happens that quickly. And it could happen to any of us. In the words of Stan Gerlach, Are you ready?"

What we see in Deuteronomy is Moses' last words.  This is what he wanted his people to remember.

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