Saturday, July 10, 2010

Teach Me

"Teach me, O Lord, to follow your decrees; then I will keep them to the end." (Psalm 119:33)

I am a teacher. I have taught High School Mathematics for thirty years. In those years I have taught students who found mathematics to be drudgery and they couldn’t wait until the class was finished. However, I taught other students who loved mathematics and because of their love for the subject they excelled in it.

I also love to teach God's Word. If I was not a mathematics teacher I think that I would be a Bible teacher. Though it may be similar to teach mathematics or God's Word it is different in how we are to respond as students. I don=t think my students had their lives changed dramatically because they studied mathematics but God=s Word is different. God's Word is life changing. The truths that we are taught in mathematics class may help us to further our education or to get a job but they are only temporal truths. Some of the truths of mathematics have changed over the years. This is not true of God=s Word. The truths found in Scripture will never change. The principles that we learn from the Bible are principles that will guide us to the end.

It is also important to know that the decrees and principles found in God's Word will guide us to the end. They are not just for today but they are for every day of our lives. The principles that I learned yesterday still apply today and they will apply tomorrow. God's Word is an everlasting guide. Teach me to follow your decrees.

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