Sunday, July 25, 2010

I Will Lift Up My Hands

“I lift up my hands to your commands, which I love, and I meditate on your decrees."
(Psalm 119:48)

I remember the first time I saw someone raise their hands in worship at our church. I think I was shocked by their behaviour. Now thirty years later everyone seems to raise their hands. Sometimes I think that they raise their hands without thinking about why they are doing it or to Whom they are raising their hands. There are times that I would rather knell or just bow my head than raise my hands.

Why do we raise our hands in worship? Is it to enhance our worship? Is it to show that we are open to God’s commands? If our answer is to enhance our worship then we should stop and examine who we are worshipping. Remember, it is not about us but it is about Him. Enhancing our worship is not so much about Him but about us.

When we lift up our hands to His commands we are saying that we are willing to do whatever He asks of us. We are open to Him and His leading.

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