Sunday, July 18, 2010


“May your unfailing love come to me, O LORD, your salvation according to your promise.” (Psalm 119:41)

When we talk about salvation we need to ask two questions. What are we saved from? And what are we saved to?

We could give a number of different answers to the first question. We could say we are saved from our sins, from hell, from our past, from our addictions, etc. However, what we are saved from is God Himself. Romans 1:18 says, “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness.” You cannot just phone someone to tell them they need to be saved, they need to know what they are in need of being saved.

When we ask the second question we could also give a number of different answers. We could say we are saved to an abundant life, to eternal life, to a new future, etc. However, we are saved to God Himself. He has called us to Himself.

We are saved from God to God. From His wrath and judgment to His love and acceptance.

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