Thursday, July 15, 2010


“Fulfill your promise to your servant, so that you may be feared.” (Psalm 119:38)

Today people are seeking fulfillment in their lives. They are seeking fulfillment in their jobs, in their relationships, in pleasure and entertainment. Soon they find that these do not satisfy but as Jeremiah called them they are empty cisterns. People who have tried to find fulfillment in financial gain soon find that they do not have enough and desire for more.

God always satisfies. If we seek Him then He shows us that our satisfaction is in Him. We can be sure that His promises will be fulfilled if we claim them. For us to claim His promises we have to know the promises of God. We need to spend time reading, studying and meditating upon the Word of God.

Our desire should be for God Himself. He has promised that He will never leave us but be with us to the end of the age. We can be sure that wherever we go He is with us. The Psalmist said that if he was to descend to the very depths of the ocean or the highest peaks in the mountains that God would be there.

In this section of the Psalm we find many petitions: Teach me; give me understanding; direct me; turn my eyes away from worthless things; fulfill your promises; take away the disgrace and preserve my life. However, these were not just empty petitions but rather he knew that there was an obligation that was his as God fulfilled His promises. One of the obligations was that we would fear the Lord.

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