Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Faith we Possess

The writer of Hebrews tells us that we are to hold firmly to the faith we possess. Today I find that when you mention faith you get a number of different responses. Some think of faith as a creed that you follow while others see faith as a force that you can build within you. They take Jesus' words when He said that if you have faith you could move mountains. While that is true it is not something that we produce within ourselves. So we say when the mountain is not moved that we didn't have enough faith,
All the faith you can muster within yourself will not accomplish anything but the faith that comes from without can and will accomplish much. I heard James MacDonald say that we had to have more faith and he quoted the song "Faith is the victory." Is faith the victory? I don't think so unless that faith is a person and that person is Jesus Christ.
So let's go back to the title of this article, the faith we possess. What is the faith we possess? Is it a creed? Is it a force? or is it a person?
Paul tells us in Romans that faith comes by hearing (not by striving) and hearing comes by the Word of God. The faith we possess is much more than a creed because it is our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Faith is the victory if faith is Jesus Himself as He is the victor.

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