Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Over the past few days we have been looking at some of the most heart wrenching pictures of one of the world's worst disasters. Some people have been quick to point out that Haiti had made a pack with the devil and now the Lord is punishing Haiti for doing that. Now I know that choices that individuals and nations make do effect them but if God judged that way for choices then our nation could expect a similar disaster. Should we look at the disaster that way? I am not saying that God may be judging that nation but we must examine ourselves. It is easy for us to feel superior if we are not being judged while they are. We talked about it in our adult class and my feeling is that we must treat it the same way as Jesus told the people that they were to treat the people who suffered death in Luke 13, "Unless you repent you will likewise perish." These events should be warnings to us that we should heed the words of Jesus and repent.

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