Saturday, November 22, 2008

Without Blemish

When the priests were chosen for ministry in the Tabernacle they had to be free from blemishes. They could not be crippled or blind or any other defect. If they had a defect they were still cared for as Levites but they were not able to serve in the Tabernacle.
Sometimes people want to serve God but they have blemishes that keep them from service. Maybe they have been unfaithful in their marriage or have a violated God's laws with other relationships. Sometimes a pedophile gets saved and wants to serve but there has to be restrictions on him. Some may say, "Where is the grace in this?" There is still grace, they were redeemed by grace, they stand blameless before God by grace but it is also important to keep away from any appearance of evil or anything that may bring shame upon the name of our God.

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