Sunday, November 16, 2008

My first time

Tonight my wife wrote the following for someone who presented this as Eleazar the High Priest.

Jehovah, Yahweh:
It is I, Eleazar, Your High Priest. I am asking that you would bless me and that I would receive favour in your sight as I present my first YOM KIPPUR offering to you. Amen

I am so apprehensive. This will be my first time to stand before Yahweh in the Holy of Holies since my father Aaron died. I am aware that my brothers paid with their lives by sinning before a Holy God. God has called my tribe and my family to be his priests and my father was the first. Now that the Day of Atonement is here I know that no detail can be overlooked.

I was anointed with holy oil on my head. The sacrificial blood was applied to my right ear, right thumb and right big toe. I have wholly consecrated myself to Yahweh and his service.

What a humbling experience it was to be washed in the Tabernacle laver from head to foot and then have the fine linen undergarments placed on me by the other priests. I pray that my life would be as pure as these white garments. What great care it takes in this dusty place to keep from getting soiled.

Now for the people. Ah, the people. Only Yahweh knows if they have truly observed this Special Sabbath. Only He knows if they have fasted from sundown to sundown and kept a day of solemn rest. He alone can judge His people in this regard and know if they are ready to keep YOM KIPPUR as a time to be free from their sins.

Although I saw my father keep this tradition, I am afraid that I will forget something or that my sacrifices will not be acceptable. My first offering must be for myself and the other priests. The second must be the choice of two goats. After we cast lots, then one will be sent into the wilderness as a “scapegoat” while the other will be sacrificed.

When I enter the Holy of Holies alone, it will be just Yahweh and me. I remember standing outside in the holy place while my father offered sacrifices. We would be silent and listen for the tinkling of the bells on the hem of his robe to know that he was still moving. Some priests suggested that the High Priest should have a rope tied to his ankle so that if he should die because of an unacceptable offering, then his body could be dragged out. I just want my offering to be acceptable to Yaweh and not have to worry about the rope.

I must have incense to burn to fill the room and cover the mercy seat as I pray for mercy for my people. The golden cherubim will watch as I sprinkle the blood of the sacrifice on the mercy seat.

When Yahweh has accepted me and my offering for the people, there is so much jubilation as first the priests in the tabernacle and then the entire nation realizes that their sins have been atoned for another year. The noise and cheering can be so loud that it is deafening after the silence of the Holy Place. Oh what a contrast! It is like coming from a tomb of death out into the open as if I had been resurrected. New life after atonement—what a thought! Will I feel that?

I feel the tension of preparing and taking part in this long and precise ceremony. I know that it is an honour to be part of the priesthood but the weight of this duty rests heavily on me.
Will Yahweh demand this Day of Atonement forever?
Will the blood of goats be forever demanded for our sins?
Will Yahweh ever provide another way to pay for the sins of his people?

I wonder.

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