Sunday, November 30, 2008

Why Christmas?

Have you ever wondered about Christmas? Why was Jesus born in Bethlehem and not in Jerusalem? Why did God speak to some people by angels and others in dreams? Why was Jesus born in a stable and not in a tool shed or a carpenter’s workshop? Why was Mary chosen to be His mother and Joseph His father? Why were His first visitors shepherds and why did the Magi bring Him those particular gifts and not the traditional baby gifts?

As I thought about these things I decided that I would look both into Scripture and outside of Scripture for my answers. In the next few pages I attempt to answer many of the questions why things happened the way they did and not some other way.

Jesus is unique in that He is God Immanuel. Not only was His life unique so was His birth. I hope and pray that these next few pages will make you appreciate the Christmas story even more. May we never lose the wonder of Christmas.

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