Saturday, November 29, 2008


Tomorrow, Lord willing, will be our final lesson in this series on the Tabernacle. One person wrote, "The most thought provoking for me in the study of the Tabernacle is the holiness of God. I stand more amazed than ever that God invites us to come to Him saying 'Abba Father'" Another wrote, "First of all I want to say how much we have learned these last few Sundays. The tabernacle has always been a fascinating subject for me, but how you have related it to Christ's being present in it has been a real eye opener. I knew the book of Hebrews referred to Christ being superior than the old system, but I see now that the old system was always about Christ."
It has always been my goal in teaching the Old Testament to show Christ. When Jesus talked with the disciples on the road He opened the Scripture and showed them that it spoke about Him.

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