Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Talking Donkey - Part 2

This is a continuation of yesterday's post. Please read yesterday's post first and Lord willing I will conclude tomorrow.

Balaam was a prophet but even though God spoke through him, he wasn’t always obedient to God. He was not driven by his devotion to God but by his desire for material blessings.

When Balak saw the Israelites he was afraid so he sent a message to Balaam to come and curse them. He promised Balaam money so Balaam said he would do it. However, on his way to the place where he would curse the Israelites God interrupted him. The Bible tells us that God was angry with Balaam and sent the angel to kill him but God in His mercy sent someone to intercede for him. That someone was neither another human nor an angel but rather it was his donkey.

When Balaam came to a narrow passage way the donkey on which he was riding refused to go any further. Balaam became angry with the donkey and started to beat him. It was then that the donkey spoke to Balaam.

Balaam did not think that it was strange that he was having this conversation with his donkey. He told the donkey that he had made a fool of him not realizing that most people would think that he was a fool for even talking to his donkey in that way.

God gave Balaam every opportunity to change his ways. He finally opened his eyes so that he could see what the donkey saw in the passageway. God in His grace had kept Balaam from cursing His people and if he had succeeded in doing that he would have brought God’s judgment upon himself. God in His grace gives us every opportunity to repent of our actions when we are acting in disobedience. God could strike us dead or send an angel to destroy us but instead He sends interruptions so that we can repent. We do not see interruptions as God’s grace in our lives but they often are His way of getting our attention.

Conclusion tomorrow - LW.

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