Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sundays at Six

The other day Mike, Gord and I met to talk about the fall program for adults at GDAC. Because Mike has a very heavy work schedule this fall he is unable to carry much of a load at church. However, Mike is a valuable teacher and many are blessed by his insights into Scripture and his practical applications.
Gord was also concerned that there would be alignment with what is taught and what is preached. This we agreed with. As Mike said, "It is difficult to eat three steak dinners in one day." We have to use our time wisely to help our people grow in their knowledge of God and His Word.
I will continue our studies in the book of Joshua starting in September. I believe that we will need about seven weeks to conclude that study.
For Sundays at Six we are looking at teaming up as we did with the Ten Commandment series. I will do much of the teaching but Mike would do some practical application to our studies. There are two studies that I am considering. One is "Christ in the Tabernacle" and the other is a study in practical doctrine looking at doctrine without the emphasis on the "ology" words. I am concerned that the church today has shied away from doctrinal emphasis and in doing so has begun to replace absolute truth with relativism.
I would like to have you pray with me about where we should go this September and if you have any suggestions you can either post a comment, send me an email or talk to me at church. Maybe there is another area that you think would be important for us to study together. Let me know. I do not want to do a topical study unless it has a solid Biblical basis.

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