Thursday, June 12, 2008

Pleasant Places

This weeks meditations in the Psalms took me to Psalm 16 where we read in verse 6, "The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance." I grew up in rural Saskatchewan and it was there that my parents taught me many valuable lessons. It was one Sunday evening my mother explained to me about being a Christian. We were poor but the Lord had drawn the boundary lines for us and that place was the place the Lord had known that I would learn about Him. Since then we have moved a few times. I lived in Thunder Bay, Waterloo, Manila and Chatham. Those too were pleasant places. Thunder Bay was where I worked, got married, raised our five children. Waterloo was where I was educated. Manila was where we served as missionaries for one year and Chatham is where I have retired and continue to serve my Lord. Yes these are pleasant places that the Lord has given me for a delightful inheritance.

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