Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Grace in the Eyes of the Lord - Part 2

This is a continuation of yesterdays post. Read part one first and Lord willing I will post the third part tomorrow.

Noah was not a very successful preacher because when the judgment finally did come only his family was willing to follow him into the ark. He had preached for 100 years and the only believers were members of his own family. Noah may have wondered if it was worth it all but you may wonder if his sons would have followed him into the ark if he had not been a faithful preacher of righteousness. Though there were many times that he grew discouraged however he remained faithful and God rewarded his faithfulness.

To build an ark took a great deal of faith on Noah’s part. He first had to believe that the instructions were from God and that God would bring judgment against the people. It had never rained on the earth until that time yet he knew that God would one day bring the rain that would flood the earth. I imagine that even as he entered the ark Noah was stepping out in faith as there still was never any rain upon the earth. Perhaps the day that he entered the ark it was another cloudless sunny day. Maybe he stopped and looked at the sky and wondered if this was only an illusion. If he did think that for a moment it did not stop him from being obedient.

Noah was a man of great faith and because of his faith God showed him grace. God could have destroyed all of mankind and began again but He chose to work through one man and his family who were faithful. God then gave him a sign that He would never again judge the people with water and to seal the covenant He placed a rainbow in the sky. God has given us salvation, not from a flood but from the judgment of fire. He has made His Son our ark of refuge. Just as no one in Noah’s day could be saved if they did not enter into the ark of safety neither can anyone today be saved from judgment unless they enter into the ark of salvation, Jesus Christ our Saviour.

Will conclude this tomorrow - LW.

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