Friday, June 6, 2008

Pierced for our Transgressions

I have just finished reading a book that was recommended by my son. The title is Pierced for our Transgressions with the subtitle Rediscovering the Glory of Penal Substitution by Steve Jeffery, Michael Ovey, and Andrew Sach and published by Crossway books. Penal substitution states that God gave himself in the person of His Son to suffer instead of us the death, punishment and curse due to fallen humanity as the penalty for sin. It is a book that all evangelicals should read but it saddens me that such a book needed to be written. Sometimes I am embarrassed to call myself an evangelical because many of the traditional doctrines have come under attack. Many have put human reasoning above the Lordship of God.
This is a book that I would recommend.

1 comment:

A.W. Hall said...

I'm glad you got to read this. I concur with your thought: every evangelical, must read this book.