Thursday, January 2, 2014

A New Series

A week from this Sunday I will begin a new series in our Adult Bible Class.  We will take time to look at one of Paul's most personal letters, 2 Corinthians. Today we hear a great deal about how to be successful in the Christian life.  We hear people say that you need to be strong, claim what is yours in Christ, go for it.  However, Paul says something quite different.  He says that if we are to be successful we need to be a broken people, we need to know that we are inadequate to live the Christian life in our own strength.  He tells us that if we are to be successful we must know that it is not our strength but Christ's.
Some people may wonder how a letter written almost two thousand years ago has any relevance to our culture today.  Let me suggest three things from the Corinthian culture which could also be true of our culture.
First, their culture was dominated by a science driven technology.
Second, there was extreme Biblical illiteracy.
Third, it was a culture of "self".
Over the next few weeks we will be expanding on these ideas.

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