Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Challenges to our world view

One thing that you find in 2 Corinthians is that our world view is challenged.  I believe that we see three ways that it is challenged.

First, it challenges our view of God.  God's character is not in flux nor is it in process.  God's character is always the same.  God is not a celestial grandfather nor is He an escape mechanism when we get in trouble.

It also challenges our view on the purpose of history.  History reveals the majestic character of God.  We may look at history as the history of man, what he has discovered, what he has learned but that is really not what history shows us.  History shows us God acting as He always acts with mankind.

Second, it challenges our view of suffering.  It is not that we glorify suffering or pray that suffering will come but we know that we will all suffer.  It is like a page in God's textbook of living by faith.  We can view suffering differently because we know that God is always in control.

Third, it challenges our view of ministry.  It is not our ministry but it is God's.  David Bosch said, "It is not the church of God that has a mission in the world; it is the God of mission who has a Church in the world."  This is a theme that Paul will develop through this letter.

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