Monday, May 28, 2012

Give and it will be given you.

I have often quoted this verse but always were sceptical of those who always said that you had to give to get.  Now I still believe that you don't give to get but you give to bless.  However, God sometimes surprises us with giving back to us.  Let me explain.
While we were in Uganda I gave away my little notebook computer.  I knew I could always replace it with another one and the need was so great there.  When I got back I decided not to buy another computer right away but wait to see what my real needs were.  As I was preparing for last Sunday's lesson I realized that I needed a laptop to do my presentation.  Well it happened.  Someone who wishes to remain anonymous showed up at my door with a brand new laptop for me.  I was stunned.  What a blessing.  I never expected when I gave mine away that someone would be led by God to give me a much bigger and better computer.  Now I will not give to get in return but what a blessing when that happens.  God is good and God's people are good.  Thank you to the giver for responding to the Spirit as you did.  You blessed me and may you feel God's blessing on your life.

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