Wednesday, May 16, 2012


ABIDE - Amagara Bible Institute of Discipleship & Evangelism. ABIDE is a non-denominational Christian leadership training program of Juna Amagara Ministries in Uganda designed to enable youth who have graduated from secondary school to transition into sustainable adulthood on the foundation of Jesus Christ by forming them in Christian faith, character and leadership. The program invites students each year to participate in a six month residential discipleship & leadership training at two campuses. These new high school graduates join ABIDE to seek God, develop leadership skills and engage in service projects. It includes outdoor adventures, challenge course and team building activities, guidance counseling, vocational skills, spiritual formation, classroom study and supervised ministry outreach. After graduating, students are equipped to pursue further education and/or work with a passion for building Christ's Kingdom and impacting their community. Below is a picture of the ABIDE house in Mbarara.
Here are some pictures of the students in class.
Both Steve and I had an opportunity to teach.
They also teach them life skills such as computer skills and farming.
They are also constructing a new facility in Kabale.
Listen as Matt describes what is happening.

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