Sunday, October 2, 2011

Work and Leisure

How should a Christian's view of work and leisure be different from the world's? The leisure industry has grown in the past few years. The world takes two differing views of work. Either they get their identity from their work so they become work-alcoholics or they find their work unfulfilling so their work is a means to get funds for their leisure, their leisure becomes where they turn to for fulfillment.
A Christian should never get their identity from their work even there ministry. A Christian gets his/her identity from their position in Christ. Their work should be fulfilling their calling in Christ whether it be in ministry or in service to mankind. Leisure should not be in an end in itself but a means to refresh us.
So what about the Lord's Day? The World has come to realize that a person does need one day different from the other six. A Christian needs to change their routine. They should come apart to worship, take time to rest and take time for recreation. The recreation should not exhaust you but to refresh your mind.

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