Friday, October 14, 2011

If we could just prove it

Sometimes Christians think that nonchristians would become Christians if we could prove to them some miracle from the Bible. We think that evangelism is reduced to apologetics. From the time of Paul before Agrippa to the present apologetics is not an effective means of evangelism. Why isn't it? People can be convinced that they are wrong but will not change because it is more than an intellectual problem, it is a heart problem. So what value is apologetics? For one thing it reinforces in the heart and mind of the believer that what they believe is right. That Christians have not committed intellectual suicide when they were born again.

1 comment:

A.W. Hall said...

I think one purpose of apologetics is to remove what Tim Keller calls "Defeater Beliefs" - beliefs that someone thinks immediately defeats Christianity as a reasonable belief structure. For unbelievers, apologetics may remove intellectual barriers. But they are only a piece; the Spirit must still give life.