Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Global positioning system has become very popular over the past few years. We use one contantly in our truck at BfM and I use my personal one whenever we travel. They can save you time and make traveling so much easier. However, you probably heard the horror stories of people following their GPS and getting hopelessly lost. When I read those stories I usually think of two problems that may have occurred. The first is wrong settings. The unit may have been set for the shortest route but not necessarily the fastest or the most travelled. The other problem is some people put too much trust in their GPS. Instead of following their instincts they blindly follow the instructions given to them by a voice in the unit. I want to say to those people, "stay on the main route. The GPS will recalculate."
So what does this have to do with 1 John? John warns his readers to follow what is True. You may read many books but there is only one Book that you can always count on to be true. An author may be 95% true but is wrong 5%. You need to know when to stop following the GPS and look at the map.

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