Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Summer Reading Part 1

Here are some of the books I have been reading this summer.

1. Scandalous by D. A. Carson

This book deals with the central teaching of the Gospel regarding the death and ressurection of Jesus. Don Carson reminds us that we have no Gospel appart from the crucifixion and ressurection. This is a must read.

2. Finally Alive by John Piper.

John Piper reminds us that we must be born again. He then goes on to explain what that means.

3. The Trellis and the VIne by Colin Marshall and Tony Payne. We often look at new people in our churches and try and fit them into the needs in our programs rather than looking at their giftedness and building our programs around them. Some programs may have to go to make room for new.

4. What is the Gospel? by Greg Gillert. This too is a must read. Many people do not know what the Gospel really is but they think they do. The Gospel is good news and this little book explains the good news.

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