Saturday, June 12, 2010


“Oh, that my ways were steadfast in obeying your decrees!” (Psalm 119:5)

The Psalmist could have prayed for many things but his one desire was that he would be obedient to the Word of God. He knew that it is difficult, yes even impossible, to obey the law of the Lord completely so he prayed for God to help him be obedient.

How many of us today pray that we will be steadfast in obedience? We want to be steadfast in our calling and our work. We want to be steadfast in our relationships but do we desire to be steadfast in obedience of God’s Word?

Paul’s prayer for the Corinthians that they would stand firm; that nothing would move them; that they would always give themselves to the work of the Lord. His prayer was that they would be steadfast.

Paul had been a drift at sea where even the sea anchors could not hold them from drifting with the gale. He knew that if we were to be steadfast then we had to be anchored on something solid. Is our anchor in the Lord and His Word? If we have put our anchor in anything else then we will find that in the storms of life that we will drift. It is the storms of life that will show whether our anchor is securely fastened.

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