Monday, June 21, 2010


“I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches.” (Psalm 119:14)

Do we find the Word of God burdensome or do we rejoice in obeying it as one who rejoices in great riches? There are many people today who do not rejoice in obeying the Word. They read the Word because all Christians are to read it but they find the time that they spend with it more of a chore than a delight. The Psalmist read the Word because he enjoyed reading it. It was the voice of God speaking to him and he delighted to hear the voice of God.

The Psalmist did more than rejoice to read the Word; he rejoiced to obey the Word as well. We have many people today who delight to study the Scriptures but they do not delight to obey the words that they have studied. The Psalmist knew that the statues of God were perfect and in obeying them he was becoming more like his God. Jesus has called us to discipleship and to be disciples we must desire to be like our Master. The Word tells us the path to discipleship. It is a path of obedience. If our desire is to be more Christ like then we will rejoice in the Word of God for it is the guidebook to discipleship.

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