Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Still Small Voice Part 3

2. Where is God?

How often people have looked for God in movements but have missed God because He was gently speaking to their heart. We have looked for God in signs and wonders but have missed Him because we were seeking His power more than we desired Him. Often we have missed the blessing because we have sought the blessing rather than the Giver of the blessing. A. B. Simpson wrote, “Once it was the blessing now it is the Lord.” Are we desperate for God or are we desperate for His blessings? God wants us to desire Him more than anything else. John Piper has said, “God is most pleased with us when we are most pleased with Him.” Are we delighting in God or in His blessings? If God didn’t give us the healing we desired or the ministry we long for, would we still delight in Him? Until our desire is for Him alone then all these things are just things.

Simon the Sorcerer was the power of God at work in the disciples and he wanted that power for himself. He saw the power but he missed God. He attempted to buy the power so that he, like the disciples, could perform signs and wonders but his desire for power only brought the wrath and judgment of God.

When God met Elijah in the still small voice it was then that God gave him his instructions. God had met Elijah on Mount Horeb or Sinai but He desired to show Elijah that He was going to do a new work, a work that was not based upon the Old Covenant of the Law but a ministry based upon grace. Mount Horeb spoke of the Law, the gentle breeze spoke of grace.

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