Sunday, August 9, 2009

Safely Home

I have just finished reading (again) the novel Safely Home by Randy Alcorn. Now I am not a fan of religious fiction as it as they often give a distorted view of both Christianity and the world. However, this is one novel I would recommend. You cannot read this novel and not have a burning in your heart for the persecuted church, a desire to see the Word of God in the hands of all peoples and a desire for the things that are eternal. At our local Bibles for Missions store our primary field as we raise money for the Bible League of Canada is China. Every one of us should read this book. When you go into a store and pick up an item check to see if it is made in China and then pray for those people who made that item. Very likely they are people of the underground church who are being persecuted for their faith. If you have any ideas of how to support the underground church in China I would like to hear from you. Let us pray for the persecuted Christians in China today.

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