Thursday, August 13, 2009

Confrontation Part 2

1. Ahab did not understand Elijah

Ahab may have believed that he had done nothing wrong. After all he did not do anything. He had only mentioned to his wife that he wanted the vineyard for a vegetable garden and he justified his desire by offering Naboth a better vineyard in place of the one he wanted. When Jezebel had Naboth killed Ahab said to himself that he had nothing to do with his death and he remained silent when he learned of his wife’s crime. Many people have justified themselves by taking a similar stand to Ahab. However, the Bible makes it clear that if we do not speak out when sin is exposed then we to are guilty.

Ahab couldn’t understand Naboth’s stand. Here he was offering Naboth a much better vineyard in place of the one that he wanted. In his mind Naboth was being unreasonable. Naboth had taken his stand based upon the Biblical principle that was given by God to Moses that the land was not to be sold but it was to be kept in the family forever. Naboth felt that God’s law was unreasonable and his plan was a better plan.

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