Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Still Small Voice Part 2

1. The Lord is gracious.

After Elijah had fallen the Lord gently ministered to him. First he needed food and rest. How often do we suffer spiritually because we do not take care of ourselves physically?

Elijah was hungry for God. He had traveled to Mount Horeb the mountain of God and there he spent the night. Mount Horeb was significant to Israel because there the Lord had met with Moses and had given him the Law. During the time when Moses was on the mountain it was alive with wind, thunder and lightning. Elijah encountered much the same as he was on that sacred mountain.

First there was the wind but we are told that God was not in the wind. Then there was an earthquake but once again we are told that God was not in the earthquake. Next came fire but again God was not in the fire. Finally there was a gentle voice, a gentle breeze and God spoke to Elijah in the quietness of that moment.

It would have been easy for Elijah to expect that God would be in the wind, earthquake or fire. He knew that God had come to this mountain before in the wind. God had spoken on Mount Carmel by fire. Nature expresses the presence and power of God. However, God was not in those things. Elijah was the prophet of fire and power but when God revealed Himself to him it wasn’t in the things that made Elijah strong but it was in the gentle breeze of God’s grace.

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