Friday, August 21, 2009


This past week I decided to start using my facebook account. Mainly I was interested in the pictures that our children posted but I must confess I like to wander around on the site at times.
It disturbs me what is often shared on a social network. Things that people would not necessarily share anywhere else. I guess it gives them a sense of power for whatever reason.
However, I got to thinking about what happened to some of the people that I knew. There are a number that have gone on with the Lord and it is great to read about their work, their life, their ministry. On the other hand there are a number who have turned their back on what they believed and now are denying the faith they once held or are confusing what they believe with a mixture of beliefs from all over. What happened? Who is to blame? Sometimes churches offer new converts what it is not able to deliver because it is unbiblical. They offer health, wealth or even just fulfillment and when the person does not receive that they think that Christianity is a fraud. No it is not Christianity that is a fraud but what the churches have sold you. Sometimes families have unbiblical expectations for their children. Families have to take some of the responsibility. Education becomes more important than a relationship with the Lord or a spouse or... Ultimately though the person himself/herself is responsible. You cannot blame the church for your incorrect beliefs or blame your family. They might have contributed to it but you yourself were seeking for an utilitarian God and not the God of glory, His glory, not yours.

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