Wednesday, May 13, 2009


What does sonship mean? It had much different significance in Biblical times than it does today. Sonship in Biblical times was status. To be a son meant that you had to carry on the family name and everything that it stood for as well as to carry on the family business. In Biblical times the older son got most of the inheritance and daughters got none. However, Paul tells us in Galatians 3:4 that we are all sons therefore we all share in the inheritance.
So what is it that sons have that others do not have?
1. A deep security. My sons are always my sons (remember that includes my daughter in God's new order).
2. An intimate access. My son can call at anytime.
3. A future hope. If I have an inheritance coming soon then what does it matter what the stock market does today?
I am a son.

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